Frank LaBanca: Online Projects

Coastal Plants of New England:  Originally created for the Project Oceanology Teacher Quality Partnership of 2002-03.  (HTML hand-coded)

Problem Finding:  A conceptual idea created as part of my Students at the Center Fellowship to provide a wide audience with an understanding of the problem finding construct.  The page operationalizes my research-practice nexus strategy.  It includes a showcase of work, including my TEDxLichfieldED talk, a link to a research study on problem finding in pre-college science research environments, a teacher-practictioner article for instructional strategies on problem finding, and a problem finding infographic. (WordPress – page on this site)

“In Search of Scientific Creativity” Blog:  Although rarely posted today, this award-winning blog examined creativity and science education.  It was used as a reflexivity journal for my 2007 Problem Finding study and was subject of my paper in The Qualitative Report. (WordPress)

“Applied Science Research” Blog:  My original classroom blog started in 2003.  With focus on social construction of knowledge, it allowed students to interact with each other as they examined scientific concepts. (WordPress)

“Practical Statistics for Educators” Wiki:  A collaborative project with my doctoral students at Western Connecticut State University.  Students were challenged to create original content to explain key quantitative concepts used in educational research.   (MediaWiki)

Online Surveys, Scales, and Instruments:  Secured personal online survey system.  (LimeSurvey) Moodle :  Online blended learning management system used for course delivery.  (Moodle)

Satellite Podcast:  Six-episode podcast series discussing student-centered, technology-enhanced, inquiry-based education.